Next to self regression and guided ET contact meditations there are other good ways for people to connect to their Star Family and/or other guides.
Gigi Young has a YouTube channel where she talks extensively about Star People.
Over the years Gigi has made several video’s and blogposts where she teaches people how they can connect to their own star family and ET Guides.
It’s a great starting point for people interested in learning how to connect to their ET family. 🙂
Meeting Guides & Frequency Matching.
How to connect with your guides.
Star Guide Connection Process.
How to connect with ET’s.
-) Six things that happen when you connect with spirit
-) Three major misconceptions we have when connecting to our guides
(Overview of all blogposts on connecting to guides on MoonBird)
In addition to watching these great video’s and reading Gigi her blogs, it can be really helpful to read up on this subject as well in bookform. A great book on this subject, as also recommended in one of Gigi her video’s, and after having read it myself I fully agree, is: Opening to Channel – How to Connect with your Guide, by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer.
Use the information shared here as a starting point for your own research into this subject. It should provide a good basis for people to (further) connect to their guides.
Do look further as well though if you are curious about this topic. Have a look on YouTube, have a look on Google. Ask around in some facebook groups what has helped other people with connecting to their guides, etc. There is a lot of good information available these days. Find what resonates with you and share what helped you! 😀
Happy connecting!
And feel free to ask questions, share what worked for you etc. in the comments.

The desire to know your own soul will outshine all other desire.
How to Meet Your Galactic Family
How to Meet Your Galactic Family, Learn Your Starseed Origin & Meet Your “Star Family”